P. 108

Unit 5: Environmental Appraisal of Projects

            5.9 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

            1.   Discuss the meaning of environment and pollution.
            2.   Describe the dimensions of general environment.
            3.   Explain the pollution created by different Industries.
            4.   What are the methods of preventing pollution?
            5.   Discuss the methods to prevent Air Pollution.
            6.   What are the environmental regulations in India?
            7.   Describe, in brief, the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

            8.   Explain environmental clearance.
            9.   Discuss, in brief, the Environmental Impact Assessment.
            10.  Explain, in details the EIA process in India.

            Answers: Self Assessment

            1.   Environmental
            2.   Social
            3.   Competitive
            4.   Economic
            5.   Ruling
            6.   Pollution
            7.   Human
            8.   DDT
            9.   Authority
            10.  EIA
            11.  Planning
            12.  1992
            13.  Environmental

            5.10 Further Readings

             Books      Clements/Gido, Effective Project Management, Thomson
                        Clifford F. Gray and Erik W. Larson, Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill
                        Dennis Lock, Project Management, Ninth Edition, Gower
                        K. Nagarajan, Project Management, Third Edition, New Age International
                        P.C.K. Rao, Project Management and Control, Sultan Chand & Sons
                        Prasanna Chandra, Projects Planning, Selection, Financing, Implementation, and Review,
                        Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
                        Vasant Desai, Project Management, Second Revised Edition, Himalaya Publishing

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