P. 203
Fundamentals of Project Management
Notes computing should not be used in India. In fact, cloud computing in India must be techno legal in
nature and till it meets the techno legal requirements, it should not be used in India.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Companies incorporated in India and branches of foreign corporations are regulated by
the Companies Act ....................... .
2. The Act, which has been enacted to oversee the functioning of companies in India, draws
heavily from the ....................... and although similar, is more comprehensive.
3. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) and the Company Law Board (CLB) both working
under the ....................... ensure compliance with the Act.
4. Key issue regarding e-governance and m-governance is absence of any legal framework
for ....................... .
5. Indian government is planning to adopt and use ............................. for governmental
Before using cloud computing in India we must ask few questions to ourselves. These include
what are the regulatory frameworks required for successful cloud computing, how the security
concerns need to be addressed, what are the legal frameworks for multi jurisdictional cooperation,
and what are the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters for effective cloud service.
Besides regulatory framework for cloud computing in India we must also ensure high availability
levels, appropriate data erasing mechanisms, data privacy at the service provider’s level, export
restrictions upon data, data handling monitoring mechanisms, jurisdictional issues, cloud
computing security issues, licensing issues for cloud computing, etc.
Notes Till now we have no cloud computing policy of India. There is no cyber security in
India and even cyber security policy of India is missing. There is no privacy law in India.
There is no data protection law in India. And there is no data security law in and cyber security
law in India. In short, there is no legal framework for cloud computing in India at all.
Fortunately, stakeholders have openly supported the need of regulatory framework for cloud
computing in India. With an increasing pressure the Indian government may consider