P. 44

Unit 2: Human Resource Planning

          7.   The basis for human resource planning is the supply of employees.                Notes
          8.   The role of demographics in estimating employee supply is easy to predict.
          9.   The first step in determining supply is placing advertisements in newspapers.
          10.  Strategic plans become operational through budgets.

          11.  Only relevant labour markets should be analysed to estimate supply.
          12.  Planners have little flexibility in dealing with short term shortages of employees.

          2.6 Rightsizing the Enterprise

          Today's modern organisations have technologically advance infrastructure and IT functions.
          It consumes vast resources with complex processes, relationships and agreements. Within most
          enterprises, they have the ability to grow in size, complexity and cost as the business expands,
          but struggle to transform or resize when conditions change or the business changes.

             Caution  Rightsizing is about how to make those changes, to reorder the important and
             changing priorities of complex business delivery and get the most from limited resources.
             Often there are barriers to change, which come from practices, processes and existing or
             embedded culture.
          To alleviate some of the anxiety caused by downsizing, the outsourcing/out-tasking industry
          moves on from traditional approach and developed a new concept called rightsizing. Many
          times, while performing an on-premises evaluation, the outsourcing provider found that the
          numbers of support personnel were at the same levels as they were when the total company
          population  used  to  be much  higher. To  make a  logical  manpower  recommendation  to  a
          management committee reviewing outsourcing or out-tasking, outsource providers started to
          use 'rightsizing' as the term that best described the proposed reduction in support personnel
          numbers. This concept is gaining increasing acceptance among transforming organisation. The
          benefit of outsourcing, out-tasking, and rightsizing is allowing an enterprise to do what it does
          best or to return to its core competency.
          There are three steps in the rightsizing:
          Phase 1: to identify potential candidates for change
          Phase 2: to assess cost and making plan for Changes
          Phase 3: to implement and appraise the Solutions.

          Planning and Forecasting
          The basic purpose of human resource planning is to have an accurate estimate of the number of
          employees  required, with  matching skill  requirements to  meet organisational  objectives.
          It provides information about the manner in which existing personnel are employed, the kind
          of  skills required for different categories of jobs and  human resource  requirements over  a
          period  of time in relation to organisational objectives. Requirement of manpower has to be
          forecasted. For this purpose there are several forecasting techniques like experts forecast, trend
          analysis, some mathematical models, etc.
          To proceed systematically, human resource professionals  generally follow three steps.  Let's
          examine these steps as applied in respect of, say a commercial bank.

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