P. 4

                                         Sales and Promotions Management

          Objectives: The course aims at developing sales management skills. Moreover the course aims to develop a strong foundation
          of concepts of IMC so that they will be able to apply these concepts in the industry.

             S. No                                          Description
            1.       Sales management and control, Buyer seller dyads, Diversity of personal selling situations, AIDAS theory of
                     selling, Selling process.

            2.       Recruiting and Selecting sales personnel, Executing and evaluating sales training program.
            3.       Motivating and compensating sales personnel
            4.       Sales meetings and sales contests, The sales budget
            5.       Types of sales quota and Quota setting procedure, Sales territory concept, Reasons and Procedures for setting
                     up and revising sales territories, Assignment of sales personnel to territories and routing and scheduling of
                     sales personnel.
            6.       Integrated Marketing Communication, Advertising Strategy: Fundamentals of an advertising campaign,
                     Finding the Big Idea, Creative execution in advertising
            7.       Sales promotion: Types of sales promotions, budget allocation, designing sales promotion program.
            8.       Direct marketing, Public relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising.
            9.       The Print Media, The Broadcast Media, Out of home media, Steps involved in media planning
            10.      DAGMAR approach to setting objectives and measuring advertising effectiveness.
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