P. 187

Financial Institutions and Services


                                   Agreement to Sell
                                   This AGREEMENT TO SELL is executed at New Delhi, on this ……………………………. day of
                                   ……………………………. by and between;

                                   Sh.  …………………………….  S/o  …………………………….  R/o  …………………………….
                                   hereinafter called "THE FIRST PARTY".

                                        IN FAVOUR OF

                                   Sh.  …………………………….  S/o  …………………………….  R/o  …………………………….,
                                   hereinafter  called "THE SECOND PARTY".
                                   The expression of the terms the 'FIRST PARTY'  and the  'SECOND PARTY' wherever they occur
                                   in the body of  this Agreement to Sell,  shall mean and include them, their legal heirs,  successors,
                                   legal  representatives,   administrators, executors,    transferee(s), beneficiary(ies),    legatee(s),
                                   probatee(s), nominees and assignee(s).

                                   AND WHEREAS the FIRST PARTY for his bonafide needs and  requirements have agreed to sell,
                                   convey, transfer  and assign  to the SECOND PARTY and the SECOND PARTY has  agreed to
                                   purchase  the along with proportionate,   undivided,   indivisible    and impartible  ownership
                                   rights    in    the    said    freehold    land  underneath    the  said  building  measuring
                                   ……………………………. square  yards, bearing   No.  ……………………………., situated  at
                                   …………………………….,  with  all rights,   title  and   interest,  easements,  privileges   and
                                   appurtenances   thereto,   with  all   fittings,   fixtures, electricity   and  water  connections,
                                   structure   standing thereon,   with  all rights in  common   driveway,   entrances,  passages,
                                   staircase  and  other  common   facilities   and amenities provided therein, hereinafter referred
                                   to as  "THE SAID  PORTION  OF  THE  SAID  PROPERTY"  for  a  total  sale consideration of  .
                                   ……………………………. (Rupees  ……………………………. …………………………….).

                                   NOW THIS AGREEMENT TO SELL WITNESSETH AS UNDER:

                                   That      in  consideration  of  the  sum  of   .  ……………………………./-  (Rupees
                                   …………………………….), out  of  which   a sum  of   .  ……………………………./- (Rupees
                                   …………………………….…………………………….),  as  advance  money  has   been received  by
                                   the FIRST PARTY from the SECOND PARTY,  in  the following manner; the  receipt  of  which the
                                   FIRST PARTY  hereby  admits  and acknowledges   and   the  remaining  balance  sum   of    . ;/
                                   -  (Rupees …………………………….), will  be received by the FIRST PARTY from the SECOND
                                   PARTY, at  the  time of registration of the Sale  Deed,  the  FIRST PARTY  do  hereby agree to
                                   grant, convey,  sell,  transfer and assign all  his rights, titles and interests in the said portion  of
                                   the  said  property,  fully  described   above, together  with  proportionate  undivided,  indivisible
                                   and impartible ownership rights in the freehold land  underneath the  said  building to the
                                   SECOND PARTY, on  the  terms  and conditions  herein  contained provided that  nothing  herein
                                   stated  shall  confer or deemed to have conferred  upon  the SECOND  PARTY exclusively any
                                   right or title to  the  common driveway, passages, staircase, overhead water tanks, sewers, water
                                   meters and other common facilities to the exclusion of the  FIRST  PARTY  and  or the SECOND
                                   PARTY  or  owners  or occupants of the other units of the said building.

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