P. 229

Financial Institutions and Services

                    Notes          8.  “Banks are required to maintain some provisions for doubtful assets.” Discuss.
                                   9.  How banks sale their NPAs to other banks?
                                   10.  “Treatment of term loans as NPA is different from cash credit or overdraft.” Discuss.

                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  1 to 3                            2.   Loss assets
                                   3.  two quarters                      4.   cash credit or overdraft account

                                   5.  sub-standard asset                6.   20 lacs
                                   7.    10 lacs                         8.   unsecured exposures
                                   9.  True                              10.  False

                                   11.  False                            12.  True
                                   13.  False                            14.  True
                                   15.  True

                                   15.9 Further Readings

                                   Books       Banking Regulation Act 1949
                                               Bharti Pathak, “The Indian Financial System”

                                               Jha, S M. “Service Marketing” Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
                                               L. M. Bhole, Financial Institutions and Markets, TMH
                                               Machiraju, Indian Financial System, Vikas
                                               Mithani and Gorden, “Banking and Financial System”, Himalaya Publishing House,
                                               Pathak, Indian Financial System, Pearson Education
                                               Prasad  K, Nirmala,  J Chandradas “Banking  and  Financial  System”  Himalaya
                                               Publishing House, Mumbai
                                               Sunderaram and Varshney, “Banking Theory, Law and Practice” Sultan Chand and
                                               Sons, New Delhi
                                               Vijayaragavan Iyengar, ”Introduction to banking”

                                   Online links


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