P. 247

Financial Institutions and Services

                    Notes          8.  rating notes considered by the rating committee;
                                   9.  record of decisions of the rating committee;
                                   10.  letter assigning rating;
                                   11.  particulars of fees charged for rating and such other records as the Board may specify from
                                       time to time.
                                   Every credit rating agency has to intimate to the Board the place where the books of account,
                                   records and documents required to be maintained under these regulations are being maintained.

                                   Every credit rating agency has to, within two month's from the date of the auditor's report, take
                                   steps to rectify the deficiencies if any, made out in the auditor's report, insofar as they relate to
                                   the activity of rating of securities.

                                     Caution Every credit rating agency has to treat, as confidential, information supplied to it
                                     by the client and no credit rating agency can disclose the same to any other person, except
                                     where such disclosure is required or permitted by under or any law for the time being in

                                   17.1.11 Rating Process

                                   1.  Every credit rating agency has to:
                                       (a)  specify the rating process;
                                       (b)  file a  copy of  the same  with the  Board for record; and file with the Board any
                                            modifications or additions made therein from time to time.
                                   2.  Every credit rating agency shall, in all cases, follow a proper rating process.
                                   3.  Every credit rating agency shall have professional rating committees, comprising members
                                       who are adequately qualified and knowledgeable to assign a rating.
                                   4.  All rating decisions, including the decisions regarding changes in rating, are taken by the
                                       rating committee.

                                   5.  Every credit rating agency has to be staffed by analysts qualified to carry out a rating
                                   6.  Every credit rating  agency has  to inform  the Board about new  rating instruments  or
                                       symbols introduced by it.
                                   7.  Every credit rating agency, has to, while rating a security, exercise due diligence in order
                                       to ensure that the rating given by the credit rating agency is fair and appropriate.
                                   8.  A credit rating agency cannot rate securities issued by it.
                                   9.  Rating definition, as well as the structure for a particular rating product, cannot be changed
                                       by a credit rating agency, without prior information to the Board.
                                   10.  A  credit rating  agency has to disclose to the  concerned stock  exchange through press
                                       release and websites for general investors, the rating assigned to the securities of a client,
                                       after periodic review, including changes in rating, if any.

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