P. 248
Unit 9: Social Security Legislations
10. Do you agree that the entire liability of the compensation is on the employer and no Notes
obligation on the employer to insure his liability? Justify & give some measures for the
11. "It has been found that the legislation act of maternity led to the tendency among the
employers not to employ married women". Do you agree? Justify.
12. A driver while driving developed a heart disease and later died. Is he entitled to receive
compensation from his employer? Justify.
13. A worker while working in the factory premises dies due to bursting of the steamer. Now
you being the employer have to give the compensation to his heirs. What factors you will
take in account while deciding the compensation to be paid for this accident.
14. The Workers Compensation Act does not make any provision for the medical care and
treatment in case of the injury to the worker. Can you suggest some measures for the
improvement of the same?
15. "There must be a causal relationship between the accident and employment." Justify.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. True 2. False
3. False 4. True
5. False 6. True
7. disablement 8. physical
9. maternity benefits 10. 250
11. Employees’ State Insurance
9.19 Further Readings
Books A N Aiyar, Encyclopaedia of Labour Laws and Industrial Legislation. Vol 6. The Labour
and Industrial Digest 1855 - 1956, Federal Law Depot, Delhi, 1957
Arya P P, Labour Management Relations in Public Sector Undertakings, Deep and
Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1982
B D Singh, Industrial Relations, Excel Books, New Delhi.
B D Singh, Labour Laws for Managers, Excel Books, New Delhi.
Benjamin H Selekmar, Problems in Labour Relations, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. INC,
Toronto, 1958
K K Bhattacharya and L C Joshi, Labour Law Digest (1966-1969), Law Publishing
House, Allahabad, 1970
Monal Arora, Industrial Relations, Excel Books, New Delhi.
Sethi R B and Dwivedi R N, Law of Trade Unions, Law Book and Co., Allahabad,
V S P Rao, Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi.