P. 74

Unit 3: The Factories Act, 1948

          2.   Ministry of labour in 1978  formulated a scheme for  the rehabilitation  of the  bonded
               laborers. The responsibility for the  identification, release and rehabilitation  of the free
               bonded laborer rest entirely with the state government. Bonded laborers on release  is
               paid immediately   1000/- as subsistence allowance and is rehabilitated as per the situation
               with a rehabilitation packages of   10,000 keeping in view the price escalation and increase
               in the cost of the rehabilitation packages.
          3.   With the intention  to focus on  the heath of  the women  workers &  to improve  their
               conditions, a women cell has been set up which provides the opportunities for increasing
               the employment opportunities for women & providing grants & aids to the voluntary
               organizations for carrying out the research on the problems faced by the women workers.
               It also helps the women to be aware  of their rights and opportunities so as to become
               economically independent.
          4.   To achieve for the occupational safety and health of the workers, the Directorate General
               of Mines Safety (DGMS) and Directorate General of Factory Advice Services and labour
               Institutes( DGFASLI) have been set-up in mines, ports and factories. It monitors the working
               environment, man-machinery interface training and safety requirements of the workers.
          5.   It also recommended that the formation of the craft and occupation trade unions should be
               discouraged and formation of the industrial trade unions and industrial federations should
               be encouraged.
          6.   Penalties may be legally provided to curb a management policy of victimization and
               similar unfair labour practices which prevent the emergencies of internal leadership.
          7.   It also  entrusts  the  labour  bureau  to  be  responsible for  collection,  compilation  and
               publication of the labour statistics and other information regarding employment, wages,
               earnings, industrial relations, working conditions, etc. It also complies and publishes the
               data related to consumer price index numbers for industrial and agriculture workers.

          8.   It also recommends educating the workers to help them avoid the wasteful expenditure,
               adopting cost effectiveness and by enhancing productivity of the qualitative nature.  It
               includes rural awareness programmes, adult literacy classes, participative management,
          9.   It is also responsible for the social security and welfare of the working laborers through
               certain Acts like the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, the Employees State Insurance
               Act, 1948, etc.

             Case Study  Variable Pay

             N      itin Arora was wrapping up for the day, when his phone rang.

             "Hi, Nitin, Anil here. Can I pop in for a few minutes?"
             "Yes, if you can be here in two minutes flat" Arora said.

             "You got it," the other man said and hung up.
             Anil Mathur was a Brand Manager at Care Soft, a large fast-moving consumer products
             company. In fact, it was Arora who had, as the Chief of HR at Care Soft, recruited Mathur

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