P. 11
Project Management
Caution Project manager should be an HRD expert to motivate the workforce and avoid
any conflict between the management and the workforce.
1.3.1 Functions of Project Manager
The functions are as follows:
1. Developing a unique product or process and manage change.
2. Identification of the need for project.
3. Finding different alternatives of the project.
4. Developing a plan of action.
5. Training operators.
6. Establishment of quality assurance cell to control quality.
7. Incorporation of changes as and when needed while implementing project.
8. Selection of suitable equipment.
9. Finding suitable financial resources.
10. Assessment of alternatives and obtaining approval to proceed.
11. Measuring performance of the project.
12. Transfer of material, funds and settling all accounts after completion of project.
13. Monitoring progress and reporting to higher authorities.
14. Closing all records, submission of final report and transfer of responsibility after
completion of specified project.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The successful ………………… is all about structure, control, sufficient attention to detail
and continuously driving action.
2. A project can only be successful when there is no conflict between the ………………… and
the local populace.
3. Project Management is quite often the province and responsibility of an individual
4. The project manager needs to be an ………………… expert who can motivate the workforce
by training and promoting leadership among them.
5. ………………… companies used project organization to develop new automobile models.
1.4 PM as a Profession
Not all project managers are equally competent. Not all project managers have the ability to run
programs, establish PMOs, strategically align project portfolio’s, recover big projects, or manage