P. 4


                                                   Project Management

            Objectives: To develop critical thinking and knowledge in project Management's theory and practice. To help students develop
            the competence of analyzing the feasibility of the project. To provide the student with analytical skills for solving problems
            relating to project management.
              Sr. No.                                           Topics
                1.    Definition of  a Project, Why Project Management, The Project Life Cycle
                2.    Strategic  Management  and  Project  Selection,  Project  Selection  and  Criteria,  The  Nature  of  Project  Selection
                      Models, Analysis under Uncertainty, Project Proposal and Project Portfolio Process
                3.    Functions,  Roles  and  Responsibilities  of  a  Project  Manager,  Delegation  of  Authority,  Building  Project  Team,
                      Project Organisation. Pure Project Organisation, Matrix Organisation, the Project Team and Human Factors
                4.    Generation  and  Screening  of  Project  ideas  –  Procedure  for  Idea  Generation,  Monitoring  the  Environment,
                      Corporate Appraisal, Project Rating Index
                5.    Market  and  Demand  Analysis,  Situational  Analysis,  Conduct  of  Market  Survey,  Demand  and  Forecasting,
                      Technical Analysis, Social Cost Benefit Analysis, Rationale for SBCA, UNIDO Approach, Saving Impact and its
                      Values, Little Mirrlees Approach
                6.    Financial Estimates and Projections – Cost of a Project, Means of Finance, Estimates of Sales and Production,
                      Working  Capital  Requirement,  Cost  of  Capital,  Projected  Cash  Flow  Statement,  Projected  Balance  Sheet,
                      Financing of a Project, Equity, Debentures, Term Loans, etc.
                7.    Measuring Project Profitability – Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return, NPV, Internal Rate of Return and
                      BCR Method, Assessment of Various Methods
                8.    Project Cash Flow, Elements of a Cash Flow Stream, Cash Flow for a Replacement Project, the Cost of Capital,
                      WACC, Optimal Capital Budget
                9.    Need and Importance of Work Break Down Structure, Project Execution Plan (PEP), Network Techniques of
                      Project Management, CPM, PERT, Time Estimation
               10.    Conflict and Negotiation, The Nature and  Type of Negotiation, Project Review and  Administrative Aspects,
                      Post Completion Audits, Abandonment Analysis
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