P. 132

Unit 7: Foreign Direct Investment

          approach points out that vertical FDI may be a way of building barriers to entry into an industry.   notes
          The strength of the market imperfections approach is that it points the conditions under which
          vertical FDI might be preferable to the alternatives. Most importantly, the market imperfections
          approach points to the importance of investments in specialized assets and imperfections in the
          market for know-how as factors that increase the relative attractiveness of vertical FDI.

                                    figure 7.2: a Decision framework

                How High are
                Transportation Costs and
                Tariffs?                            Low             Export


                 Is Know-how amenable
                     to Licensing                  No               Horizontal FDI


                 Is tight Control over
                 foreign Operation
                 Required?                         Yes                Horizontal FDI


                Can Know-how be protected
                by licensing Contract               No                Horizontal FDI


                       Then License

          self assessment

          Choose the appropriate answer:
          6.   Consider  the  case  of  IBM  and  Mexico.  IBM  was  in  a  fairly  strong  bargaining  position,
               primarily because Mexico was suffering freedom a flight of capital out of the country during
               1985 and 1986, which made the government eager to attract new foreign investment. But
               IBM’s bargaining power was moderated somewhat by the following
               (a)   Size of the proposed investment was unlikely to have more than a marginal impact
                    on the Mexican economy.

               (b)   IBM was looking for a low-labour-cost most desirable location close to the United

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