P. 19

International Business

                    notes          7.   Payments: In the internal trade, the goods are exchanged in the currency unit of the country.
                                       In case of foreign trade currencies differ widely throughout the world and those also vary
                                       in value.
                                   8.   Transport and insurance cost: The transport and insurance costs are less in case of domestic
                                       trade. For the exports, on the other hand the cost of transport is high and the insurance is

                                      Notes    Global Company is the one which has either produces in home country or in a
                                     single country and focuses on marketing these products globally and focuses on marketing
                                     these products domestically.

                                      Task     Expenses an transport will be higher international trader or domestic trader.

                                   1.6 international Business approaches

                                   In truth, we have become part of a global village and have a global economy where no organization
                                   is insulted from the effects foreign markets and competition. Indeed, more and more firm are
                                   reshaping themselves for international competition and discovering new ways to exploit markets
                                   in every corner of the world. Failure to take a global perspective in one of the biggest mistakes
                                   managers can make. Thus we start laying the foundation for our discussion by introducing and
                                   describing the basic of international business.
                                   An international business is one that is based primarily in a single country but acquires some
                                   meaningful  share  of  its  resources  or  revenues  (or  both)  from  other  countries.  Sears  fits  this
                                   description. Most of its stores are in the United States.

                                          Example: The retailer earns around 90 percent of its revenues from its U. S. operation
                                   with the remaining 10 percent coming sears stores in Canada. At the same time, however, many
                                   of the products it sells, such as tools and clothing are made abroad from any perspective. Then
                                   it is clear that we live in a truly global economy. Virtually all business today must be concerned
                                   with the competitive situations they face in lands for from home and with how companies from
                                   distant lands are competing in their homelands.
                                   Douglas Wind and Pelmutter advocated four approaches of international business. They are:
                                   Ethnocentric Approach: The excessive production more than the demand for the product, either
                                   due to competition or due to change in customer preferences push the company to exports the
                                   excessive production to the foreign countries. The company export the same product designed
                                   for  domestic  market  to  foreign  market  under  this  approach.  Thus,  maintenance  of  domestic
                                   approach towards international business is called ethnocentric approach.
                                   Polycentric Approach: The company establishes a foreign subsidiary company and decentralized
                                   all the operations and delegates decision making and policy making authority to its executives.
                                   The  executives  of  the  subsidiary  formulate  the  policies  and  strategies,  design  the  product
                                   based on the host country’s environment and the preferences of the local customer. Thus this
                                   approach mostly focuses on the conditions of the host country in policy formulation, strategy
                                   implementation and operations.
                                   Regiocentric  Approach:  The  foreign  subsidiary  considers  the  regional  environmental  for
                                   formulating policies and strategies. It market more or less the same product designed under
                                   polycentric approach in other countries of the region, but with different market strategies.

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