P. 198
Unit 9: International Financial Institutions-I
9.7 keywords notes
Budget: An amount of money set aside to cover the total cost of a communication campaign or
other marketing activity.
Foreign Exchange: Facilities’ business across national boundaries, usually expressed in foreign
currency bought or sold on the foreign exchange market.
GAB: General Arrangements to Borrow
Joint Ventures: An enterprise in which two or more investors share ownership and control over
property rights and operations.
NAB: New Arrangements to Borrow
SAF: Structural Adjustment Facility
9.8 review Questions
1. Explain the role of financial institutions.
2. How is the World Bank managed?
3. What are the objectives of IMF?
4. Enumerate the various strategies of the IMF.
5. Mention the activities of the World Bank.
6. Write short note on World Bank membership and its capital structure.
7. What are the objectives of World Bank?
8. Write a short note on the background of IMF.
9. Name the functions of IMF.
10. Evaluate the relationship of India with World Bank.
answers: self assessment
1. IMF 2. 187
3. National currencies 4. Tranche policies
5. Five 6. Short-term BOP
7. Balance of payments 8. Russia
9. Supervisory 10. EFF
11. World Bank 12. Fulfilled
13. Non-political institution 14. Aid India Club
15. India
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