Page 6 - DCAP404 _Object Oriented Programming
P. 6

                                           Object-oriented Programming

          Objectives: To impart the skills needed for Object Oriented programming and Console applications development. Student can
          map real world  objects into programming objects. Implement the concept of reusability and data security.  Learn user file
          management containing data.

            Sr. No.                                         Description
              1.    Review:  Review  of  Basic  Concepts  of  Object-oriented  Programming  &  Introduction  of  OOP  Languages,
                    Comparison between Procedural Programming Paradigm and Object-oriented Programming Paradigm.
              2.    Beginning with OOP Language: Review of Tokens, Expressions, Operators & Control Structures.
                    Scope Resolution Operator, Member Dereferencing Operator, Reference Variables.
                    Review of Functions, Function Overloading, Inline Functions, Default Arguments.
              3.    Classes & Objects: Specifying a  Class,  Defining Member Functions, Creating  Class Objects, Accessing  Class
                    Members.  Access  Specifies  –  Public,    Private,  and    Protected  Classes,  Its  Members,  Objects  and  Memory
              4.    Static Members, the Const Keyword and Classes, the Static Objects. Friend Function & its Usage Empty Classes,
                    Nested Classes, Local Classes.
              5.    Constructors & Destructors: Need for Constructors and Destructors, Copy Constructor, Dynamic Constructors,
                    Destructors, Constructors and Destructors with Static Members.
              6.    Operator Overloading & Type Conversion: Defining Operator Overloading, Rules for Overloading Operators,
                    Overloading of Unary Operators and various Binary Operators with Friend Functions and Member Functions.
                    Type Conversion – Basic Type to Class Type, Class Type to Basic Type, Class Type to another Class Type.
              7.    Inheritance:  Introduction,    Defining  Derived  Classes,  Forms  of  Inheritance,  Ambiguity  in  Multiple  and
                    Multipath Inheritance, Virtual Base Class,  Overriding Member Functions, Order of Execution of Constructors
                    and Destructors
                    Virtual Functions & Polymorphism: Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes,   Introduction
                    to Polymorphism
              8.    Pointers  &  Dynamic  Memory  Management:  Understanding  Pointers,    Accessing  Address  of  a  Variable,
                    Declaring  &  Initializing  Pointers,    Pointer  to  a  Pointer,  Pointer  to  a  Function,  Dynamic  Memory
                    Management – New and Delete Operators, this Pointer.
              9.    Console  I/O:  Concept  of  Streams,  Hierarchy  of  Console  Stream  Classes,  Unformatted  I/O  Operations,
                    Managing Output with Manipulators.
              10.   Working with Files: Opening, Reading, Writing, Appending, Processing & Closing difference  Type  of  Files,
                    Command Line Arguments.
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