P. 92
Unit 4: Rural Consumer Behaviour
4.10 Keywords Notes
Approvers: These are the people with power of approving the purchase like Chief Executive
Officers and Managing Directors.
Consumer Perception: Consumer Perception is the consumer’s view of the things including
messages and stimuli seen/focused on him. These perceptions are given or acquired by visual
stimulus, like seeing pictures of products in advertisements, hearing about the products from
friends and looking through retail shops, point of purchase (POP) material that create a visual
Deciders: These are the authorized people who can decide spending of money for making the
purchase. They are of the rank of General Managers.
Gatekeepers: These are those who filter information and see to it that only relevant information
reaches the decision-makers about the product. These could be receptionists, purchasing agents
Influencers: These are the people who influence the purchase decision, or e.g. which brand or
model to buy, and from which dealer. These could be R&D Managers, or consultants.
Initiators: These are the people who place the requirement of the product before the firm’s
authorities. In most firms they would be either R& D persons or purchase executives.
Interpretivism: Understanding the stimulus needed to achieve purchase activity.
Positivism: Rationale of customers purchase activities.
Users: These are the people who define the product with specifications and would ultimately use
it. They would be R&D engineers, production engineers etc.
4.11 Review Questions
1. What are the factors Influencing Buying Behaviour?
2. Describe the cultural factors influencing consume behaviour.
3. Discuss the Buying process.
4. Explain the purchase Behaviour of Customers.
5. What do you know about compulsive Buying Behaviour?
6. Describe the communication process.
7. Explain the persuasion strategy.
8. Describe the opinion Leaders.
9. Discuss the buying action. Differentiate between rural and urban buyers.
10. Discuss the role of endorser in buying decision.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Problem Recognition 2. Persuasion
3. Attitudes 4. Marketers
5. Marketing Information 6. Stimulation
7. Rural 8. Demand