P. 19

Management Control Systems                                        Neha Tikoo, Lovely Professional University

                    Notes                    Unit 2: Strategic Management Framework


                                     2.1  Strategic Planning
                                     2.2  Strategic Formulation
                                          2.2.1  Distinction between Strategic Formulation and Management Control

                                     2.3  Management Control
                                          2.3.1  Management Control Activities
                                          2.3.2  Goal Congruence
                                          2.3.3  Tools for Implementing Strategy
                                     2.4  Task Control/Operational  Control

                                          2.4.1  Distinction between Task Control and Management Control
                                     2.5  Formal Control Process and Role Played by Accounting Systems and Information
                                          Handling System

                                     2.6  Summary
                                     2.7  Keywords
                                     2.8  Review Questions

                                     2.9  Further Readings

                                   After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                                      Discuss the strategic formulation
                                      Identify the distinction between strategy formulation and management control
                                      Identify the distinction between task control and management control
                                      Construct the management control  environment
                                      Explain the concept of strategy

                                      Describe the management and control structures

                                   Management Control  Systems are  tools to  implement  strategies. Strategies differ  between
                                   organizations and controls should be tailored to the requirements of specific strategies. Different
                                   strategies require different task priorities, different key success factors  and different  skills,
                                   perspectives and behaviours.

                                   Management Control  is one  of  the  several types  of  planning  and  control  activities  in  an
                                   organization. The other two  control and  planning activities  are: (a) strategic planning and
                                   (b) task or operational control.

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