Page 4 - DMGT519_Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills
P. 4


                                     Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills

            Objectives: To enhance and improve the techniques and skills in conflict management; To manage interpersonal disputes
            among parties; To understand and acquire different negotiation skills.

               Sr. No.                                        Description
                 1.     Conflict:  Different  thoughts  on  conflict,  Constructive  and  Destructive  Conflict,  Conflict,  Chaos  and
                        complexity  theories,  Systems  approach  to  conflict  Diagnosis.  Managing,  using,  resolving  conflict  through
                 2.     Personality: Facets of Personality and its impact on Negotiation Approach and Temperament. Self-
                        monitoring, competitiveness and type A and type B personality, Jungian personality preferences, Four main
                        alternative Preferences and Temperaments. Mental Mechanisms: Major and Minor mental mechanisms
                 3.     Negotiation: All Human Interaction is Negotiation, Negotiation and its components, Personal nature of
                        Negotiation, Conscious and Unconscious determinants of Negotiation performance, Rules of Negotiation,
                        Negotiation process and preparation, Team negotiation
                 4.     Negotiation Style: Four major Negotiation Styles (Avoidance, Competitive, Compromising and
                        Collaborative), choosing the appropriate style, Alternative styles, strategies and techniques of negotiation
                 5.     Understanding the importance of perception, power, communication and leadership and public relations in
                        negotiation. Principles of persuasion, Third party intervention.
                 6.     Distributive Bargaining: Classical distributive bargaining, Opening offers, Role of norms, Counteroffers.
                 7.     Integrative Bargaining: Integrative versus Distributive Bargaining, The Categorization Method, Interested
                        based Bargaining.
                 8.     Gaining leverage through power and persuasion: leveraging power from your BATNA (Best Alternative To a
                        Negotiated Agreement), leveraging the sources of power, leveraging power through persuasion, leverage
                        power through pressure tactics.
                 9.     Ethics, fairness, and trust in negotiation: Ethics -  values and behaviours in negotiations, Fairness -
                        substantive and procedural fairness in negotiation, appropriate or inappropriate negotiating tactics, Trust –
                        bases and relationship in negotiating trust, trust and distrust, establishing trust.
                 10.    Closing the Deal and Post Negotiation Evaluation: agreement template, closing stage, moving past
                        statement and building a relationship.
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