P. 14

Unit 1: Introduction to Organisation Development

          2.   Every System is delineated by a Boundary: This means that each system has boundary to  Notes
               differentiate the inside and outside of the system, however boundaries of an open system
               are permeable, which permits exchange of information, resources and energy between
               system and environment.
          3.   Open system have purposes and goals for their existence.

          1.5.2 Congruence among System Elements

          David Nadler and Associates at Delta consulting group developed the congruence model for
          understanding organisational dynamics and change. It is explained with the help of The diagram
          (Figure 1.1).

                                     Figure  1.1: System  Approach

          Source: Jerry I. Porras and Peter J. Robertson, Organisational Development: Theory, Practice and Research,
          p.  729.
          This model depicts the organisation as an input-throughput-output system. According to this
          model the three major input factors are:
          1.   Environment
          2.   Resources

          3.   History which consist of memories of past successes, failures and important events.
          Outputs however are performances at the total organisational level, group level and individual

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