P. 29

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

                    Notes          1.9 Review Questions

                                   1.  What are the basic concepts of Supply Chain Management?
                                   2.  Discuss about the traditional supplier-buyer relationship.

                                   3.  Explain the simplified view of Kalyani Breweries supply chain.
                                   4.  What is the basic objective of Supply Chain Management?
                                   5.  “A typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages”. Elaborate.
                                   6.  What are the different stages of a supply chain?
                                   7.  “SCM philosophy drives supply chain members to have a customer orientation”. Explain.

                                   8.  What are the primary SCM activities?
                                   9.  Briefly explain the SCM value chain system.
                                   10.  “Value chain analysis is not a very difficult exercise conceptually”. Clarify.

                                   11.  What are the identified management traits that set them apart from others?
                                   12.  Discuss about financial sophistication.
                                   13.  Define and illustrate cash-to-cash  conversion, dwell time minimization,  and cash spin.
                                       How do supply chain strategy and structure impact each?
                                   14.  Discuss and support the following argument: “Supply chain arrangements may reduce
                                       consumer value.”

                                   15.  Explain about Information Technology and Logistics Management in 21st Century.
                                   Answers: Self  Assessment

                                   1.  True                              2.   False
                                   3.  True                              4.   Materials management
                                   5.  Customer                          6.   Competitive advantage
                                   7.  Product/material                  8.   Value system

                                   9.  Value chain                       10.  Strategy
                                   11.  Profitability                    12.  Performance
                                   13.  True                             14.  True
                                   15.  True                             16.  Supply

                                   17.  Digital  marketing               18.  Warehousing
                                   1.10 Further Readings

                                   Books       Chopra and Meindl, Supply Chain Management – Strategy, Planning and Operation,
                                               Prentice-Hall of India, 2006
                                               Coyle, Bardi and Longley,  The  Management of Business Logistics a Supply Chain
                                               Perspective, Thomson Press, 2006.

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