P. 262
Unit 14: Global E-Marketing and EDI
Risk Tolerant: Risk tolerant negotiators adopt a perspective that there is a level of acceptable Notes
risk that should be taken in a negotiation. They are interested in reducing risk, rather than
avoiding it altogether.
Trust: Trust is one party’s belief that the other party will take action to honour agreements that
have been reached.
14.8 Review Questions
1. How is international marketing different from domestic marketing?
2. How does difference in values affect international business?
3. Explain the characteristics of a successful negotiator.
4. Explain the different perspectives in the basic concept of negotiation.
5. Discuss the Negotiation Orientations Framework.
6. How is Risk handled by negotiators?
7. Elaborate on the role of Trust in negotiations.
8. Write a short note on Internal Decision-Making Process.
9. Differentiate between Explicit Contract and Implicit Agreement.
10. What is Global E-Marketing and what are its benefits?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. False 2. False
3. True 4. Negotiators
5. Stability 6. correct
7. Language, Values 8. complex
9. impolite 10. Inseparable
11. Internal 12. Trust
13. tactful 14. expertise
15. Evidences 16. Website
17. Internet
14.9 Further Readings
Books Cateora and Graham, International Marketing, McGraw Hill, 2007
Charles W.L. Hill, International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace,
4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
Chase Richard, Jacob Robert, Aquillano and Agarwal Nitin, Operations Management,
11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
Justin Paul, International Business, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
Vasudeva, PK, International Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010