Page 276 - DMGT548_GLOBAL_HRM
P. 276
Unit 14: Indian HRM
14.6 Review Questions Notes
1. “The managerial style of leadership varies due to cultural differences.” Justify this statement
giving the contrasting role of leadership in international firms.
2. Describe in brief the cross-cultural leadership.
3. Enlist the significant leadership values that are found in the successful managers in different
regions of the world.
4. What do you understand by multi-cultural teams?
5. “All dynamic teams have certain characteristics which can be assessed or developed through
team building exercises.” Elaborate.
6. Describe the learning process given by Kolb.
7. Comparatively study the human resource practices in India and USA.
8. How are human resource practices in Japan different and similar to Indian HRM?
9. Discuss the transition state of Indian HRM.
10. Discuss the human resource practices in China.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Cultural 2. Behaviour
3. Power-distance 4. Directive
5. Distrust 6. US
7. Individualistic 8. Bi-national
9. Convergence 10. Project
11. False 12. False
13. True 14. False
15. True 16. True
17. False
14.7 Further Readings
Books Dowling, P. J. and Welch, D. E. (1999). International Human Resources Management.
4th ed. CENGAGE Learning.
Ashwathappa, K. and Dash, S. (2008). International HRM. Tata McGrawHill.
Publishing Company Limited.
Andersen, Arthur. (1996). International Assignment Policies- A Benchmark Study.
Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Black, Stewart, Hal B. Gregersen and Mendenhall. Mark E. (1992). Global
Assignments. Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Armstrong M., A Handbook of Personnel Management Practice. Kogan Page Publishers.