P. 9

International Financial Management

                    Notes          1.2 Objective of the MNCs

                                   An objective is necessary so that all decisions of the organisation contribute towards the fulfillment
                                   of this purpose. The usually accepted objective of an MNC is to maximise shareholders wealth.
                                   This is the objective which a domestic firm also accepts and tries to fulfil. In the context of a
                                   MNC, the objective of maximising shareholders’ wealth must be analysed in a much wider
                                   context, with a much wider range of opportunities, taking into account the worldwide market
                                   share. This makes the MNCs task much more complex than that of the domestic firms.

                                   If the managers of MNCs are to achieve their objective of maximising the value of their firms or
                                   the rate of return from foreign operations, they have to understand the environment in which
                                   they function. The environment consists of:
                                   1.  The international financial system which consists of two segments: the official part
                                       represented by the accepted code of behaviour by governments comprising the
                                       International Monetary System and the private part which consists of international banks
                                       and other multinational financial institutions that participate in the international money
                                       and capital markets.
                                   2.  The foreign exchange market which consists of international banking, foreign exchange
                                       dealers and 24 hour trading at organised exchanges around the world where currency
                                       future options and derivatives are regularly traded.

                                   3.  The host country’s environment which consists of such aspects as the political and
                                       socio-economic systems and people’s cultural values and aspirations. Understanding of
                                       the host country’s environment is crucial for successful operation and assessment of the
                                       political risk.
                                   Further, the manager of a MNC must take into account the fact that the presence of his firm in a
                                   number of countries presents challenges as well as opportunities. The basic challenges are the
                                   multiplicity of currency and the associated unique risks a manager of a MNC has to face. Another
                                   important challenge is the multiplicity and complexity of the taxation system which has an
                                   impact on the MNC’s operations and profitability. But the manager can use the taxation tool to
                                   reduce the firm’s overall tax burden through transfer of funds from high to low tax affiliates and
                                   by using tax havens.

                                   In addition, due to the multiplicity of sources of funds, the finance manager has to worry about
                                   the foreign exchange and political risk in positioning funds and in modifying cash resources.
                                   The MNC can reduce its cost of capital and, at the same time, maximise the return on its excess
                                   cash resources by taking advantage of the fact that financial resources have been raised from
                                   different capital markets.

                                     Did u know?

                                          A well diversified MNC can actually reduce risks and fluctuations in earnings and
                                          cash flows by making the diversity in geography and currency work in its favour.

                                          A successful manager of an MNC will take into account the various challenges of
                                          operating his firm in a number of countries so that he can make the diversity and
                                          complexity of the environment work for the total benefit of the firm.

                                   1.2.1 Agency Problem

                                   Financial executives in multinational corporations many times have to make decisions that
                                   conflict with the objective of maximising shareholders wealth. It has been observed that as

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