P. 136
Unit 12: Library and Information Professionals
University, the Robert Gordon University, the University of Sheffield and University College London. Notes
CILIP is perhaps best known to the general public for awarding the Carnegie and Kate Green away
Medals for children’s books.
CILIP publishes a monthly magazine, CILIP Update with Gazette, including listings of job vacancies.
It also runs a publishing imprint, Facet Publishing. There are several local branches across the United
Kingdom, 28 special interest groups and over 20 organisations in liaison including such bodies as
the African Caribbean Library Association, the Librarians’ Christian Fellowship and the Society of
CILIP was formed in 2002.
12.1 Role in LIS Education
CILIP’s policy is to improve all aspects of professional practice through its work in education,
maintaining a framework of universally recognized qualifications and providing a wide range of
opportunities for CPD.
In 2002 CILIP undertook a review of its qualifications framework. The new
Framework of Qualifications was launched in April 2005.
It is designed to be flexible and adaptable, as the areas will evolve and develop over time to
accommodate changing needs. It is appropriate to library and information professionals across the
sector as a whole. As such it has a degree of overlap with the knowledge base of other professions.
The framework consists of four levels–certification, chartership, revalidation and fellowship.
Certification provides recognition from the association for library and information work by para-
professionals. Those who gain admittance to the Register of Certified Members are entitled to work
towards Chartered Membership. There are two categories of applicant for Chartership: firstly para-
professionals with over five years experience; secondly those who have some evidence of training
and have been working for two years.
Chartership is CILIP’s standard for information professionals. Chartered members are entitled to
use post nominal letters and describe themselves as qualified library and information professionals.
All candidates for Chartership must work with a Mentor and demonstrate through their portfolio
that they meet the required criteria. The individual makes a commitment to continued professional
development. Normally applicants will have completed a degree in LIS and have been working for
at least one year.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. The new frame work of qualification was launched in the year ...... .
2. It is ...... policy is to improve all aspects of professional practice through its work in education,
maintaining a framework of universally recognised qualification and providing a wide range
of opportunities for CPD.