P. 19
Library and Information Society
Notes From the earlier definitions, education cannot exist alone in the absence of library and library has
no meaning if it cannot impart education. A Good well equipped library is a sine qua non for the
intellectual, moral, and spiritual advancement and elevation of the people of a community. It is an
indispensable element of the absolute well being of the citizens and that of the nation at large.
People acquire education through certain institutions, schools, agencies, welfare bodies, museums
and organizations, and the library is the most outstanding of such institutions. A school, a club, and
enterprise of a society can never alone impart education; each of them is dependant upon a library
– a centre of wholesome education, and the quencher of thirst for concrete, fathomless, ultimate
The concept of education for sustainable development and its relationship with Education for All
(EFA) is a new vision of sustainable development programme by UNESCO. In December 2002,
resolution 57/254 on the United Nations Decade of Education for sustainable Development (2005-
2014) was adopted by the UN General Assembly and UNESCO was designated lead agency for the
promotion of the Decade.
Indeed, the establishment of the concept on education for sustainable development and its
relationship with Education for All (EFA) the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD) and the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) clearly illustrate that quality education, a goal of the library,
is a prerequisite for education for sustainable development at all levels and in all modalities of
education. The Educational Policies and plans of UNESCO in the role of education and its
development, poverty reduction, the promotion of universal human values and tolerance, and the
challenges of new ICTs (library).
A Web definition for Education Development is the process of improving the effectiveness of
educational provision through an ongoing review of relevant factors at all levels from teaching
techniques and materials to institutional structures and policies, and the provision of mechanisms
for progressive change.
Education cannot exist alone in the absence of library and library has no meaning if it
cannot impart education. Justify it.
Self Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions:
4. The concept of education for sustainable development and its relationship with education
for all is a new vision of sustainable development programme by:
(c) MDGS (d) None of these.
5. Resolution 57/254 on the united nations decade of education for sustainable development
was adopted in the year:
(a) December 2002 (b) December 2001
(c) September 2002 (d) August 2002.
6. Ogunsheye in the year ...... states that library involves the total apparatus used for the
development of the individual.
(a) 1981 (b) 1982
(c) 1980 (d) 1970