P. 96

Unit 13: Purpose and Programmes of Education

            13.3  Summary                                                                            Notes
              •  The change from an economy based on labor and capital one based on information requires
                 information literate workers who will know how to interpret information.
              •  The rapidly evolving information landscape means that education methods and practices
                 must evolve and adapt accordingly. Information literacy must become a key focus of
                 educational institutions at all levels. This requires a commitment to lifelong learning and an
                 ability to seek out and identify innovations that will be needed to keep pace with or outpace
              •  Critical thinking is an important educational outcome for students. Education institutions
                 have experimented with several strategies to help foster critical thinking, as a means to enhance
                 information evaluation and information literacy among students.
              •  Education professionals must underscore the importance of high information quality. Students
                 must be trained to distinguish between fact and opinion. They must be encouraged to use cue
                 words such as “I think” and “I feel” to help distinguish between factual information and
              •  National content standards, state standards, and information literacy skills terminology may
                 vary, but all have common components relating to information literacy.
              •  Educational reform and restructuring make information literacy skills a necessity as students
                 seek to construct their own knowledge and create their own understandings.
              •  Information Technology is the great enabler. It provides, for those who have access to it, an
                 extension of their powers of perception, comprehension, analysis, thought, concentration,
                 and articulation through a range of activities that include: writing, visual images, mathematics,
                 music, physical movement, sensing the environment, simulation, and communication.

            13.4  Keywords

            Critical Thinking   : Critical thinking is an important educational outcome for students.
            Information Literacy Skills : Information Literacy Skills are vital to future success.

            13.5 Review Questions

             1.   Write a short note on evolution of economy.
             2.   What are the efforts on education?
             3.   Briefly explain the education in USA.
             4.   What are the efforts in K-12 education?
             5.   What are the efforts in higher education?
             6.   Describe technology.
             7.   Write a short note on
                  (a) Distance Education
                  (b) Global Information Literacy.

            Answers: Self Assessment

             1.   Barner’s                2. Critical thinking          3. (a)
             4.   (b)                     5. (c)                        6. True
             7.   False                   8. True                       9. True.

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