P. 36
Unit 3: Role of CRG, DRTC and ISKO
In each issue, experts from many countries comment on questions of the adequate structuring and Notes
construction of ordering systems and on the problems of their use in providing access to the information
contents of new literature, of data collections and survey, of tabular works and of other objects of
scientific interest. Contributions: (1) clarify theoretical foundations (general ordering theory,
philosophical foundations of knowledge and its artifacts, theoretical bases of classification, data analysis
and reduction); (2) describe practical operations associated with indexing and classification, as well as
applications of classification systems and thesauri, manual and machine indexing; (3) trace the history
of knowledge organization; (4) discuss questions of education and training in classification; and
(5) problems of terminology in general and with respect to special fields.
Self Assessment
State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. The full form of BSO is Formulation of board system of ordering.
2. Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) was established on Bangalore in 1962.
3. Classification Research Group (CRG) was formed in London.
4. ISKO stands for Indian Society for Knowledge Organization.
3.4 Summary
CRG Group was formed in London in 1952. The early work of members of CRG is reflected
in Sayer’s Memorial Volume (London, Library Association, 1961).
DRTC was established in Bangalore in 1962 by S.R. Ranganathan. It actively promoted
different levels of research in library classification.
ISKO society was founded at Frankfurt, Germany, in 1989. Its founder -president is
Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg.
3.5 Keywords
Facet : One side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem.
Envisage : Regard or conceive of as a possibility.
Feasibility : Possible to do easily or conveniently.
3.6 Review Questions
1. Write a paragraph on International society for knowledge organization.
2. Write in detail about Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC).
3. Describe Classification Research Group (CRG).
Answers: Self Assessment
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False
3.7 Further Readings
Books Zhang, Wenxian. Classification for Chinese Libraries (CCL): Histories, accomplishments,
problems and its comparisons. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences.
The Standardization of Chinese Library Classification, Xiaochun Liu, Cataloging &
Classification Quarterly.
Online links _Centre