P. 45

Management of Libraries and Information Centres


                                          Notes The collection development policy can be a public relations tool for your library,
                                                as well as your protection against questions about library’s collection practices
                                                and a guide for staff members involved in making collection decisions.
                                      4. Get the policy approved: Once you have general approval of all of the components of the
                                         policy and it has been thoroughly revised and edited (get someone other than the main
                                         writer to do the editing), it is time to get it officially adopted as the policy of the library.
                                         This should be done at a Board meeting or other meeting of the officials responsible for
                                         setting policy. Ideally you would like the entire policy to be adopted through a single vote
                                         at this point. The official copy of the policy should be signed and dated by the appropriate
                                         person, its adoption and the record of the vote should appear in the recorded minutes of the
                                         meeting. This final and formal approval as well as your work with the board during the
                                         process of writing the policy helps to ensure that they understand the importance of the
                                         policy and that you can be more certain of their backing in times of controversy.
                                      5. Use your policy: The purpose of the policy is to use it. Therefore, be certain that it is posted
                                         on the library’s website, that every staff member is given a copy, and that a nice copy is
                                         always available at the circulation desk for an interested citizen to read and for staff to
                                         consult if need be. In order to be prepared to revise the policy when the time comes, it is a
                                         good idea to keep a copy of the policy easily available at all times and to use it to make
                                         notes. The notes might reflect situations that arise for which there appears to be little
                                         guidance or for instances when lack of clarity becomes apparent in deciding about the
                                         inclusion or exclusion, the specific location, or the level of access for a particular title, type
                                         of material, or format. If you find the policy does not help you make consistent decisions
                                         then you might wish to make a note in the margins regarding the type of revision or the
                                         question that needs to be addressed next time the policy is revised.
                                      6. Revise your policy: It is critical to review your policy according to the schedule you will
                                         have included in the final sec tion of the policy. This should be at least every three years.
                                         The good news is that revising a policy, if done in a timely fashion, requires only minor
                                         changes. Once you have worked through the details regarding the components of the
                                         complete policy that you will find in the next sections of this site, you will want to return
                                         to this information to review the advice about actually putting the policy together.

                                   6.3  Procedure of Ordering

                                   Authorized staff should obtain quotations and place orders online for computer hardware and
                                   services where the supplier provides an online purchasing portal. Staff must purchase approved
                                   makes and models from a Designated PC Supplier  assigned by hardware category. Staff should
                                   normally only purchase a “Standard System Bundle” which ensures the University receives
                                   maximum product discount and promotes standardization of hardware across the University.
                                   Staff requiring access to a Designated PC Supplier’s purchasing portal should contact the IT Help
                                   Desk stating the type of access required:
                                        Quotation; or
                                    Purchase Procedures

                                   Online Procedures

                                   Staff purchasing equipment online should ensure they have the relevant approval from the Cost
                                   Centre Manager for the expenditure. No FS2 or purchase orders are necessary.

                                   Manual Procedures
                                   Where a written quotation has been provided by a Designated PC Supplier you should submit the
                                   quotation and completed FS2 Requisition to your Cost Centre Manager for approval. Raise a
                                   Purchase Order and send it to the appropriate supplier.
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