P. 149
Reference Sources and Services
Notes Agency in collaboration with 122 Member States and 24 cooperating international
• With the advent of networks, remote transmission of texts and graphics, video clips and
animated clips are also possible.
• The Web-scale model will encourage users to participate in a network and community of
libraries by enabling them to reuse information and socialize around information. It also will
create a powerful, unified presence for libraries on the Web and give users a local, group and
global reach.
12.6 Keywords
CIS : Computer Information System
AGRIS : Agricultural Resources Information System
12.7 Review Questions
1. Elaborately discuss on online computer library center (OCLC).
2. Define WorldCat and netlibrary.
3. Explain user studies.
4. Explain INIS in detail.
5. Write short notes on INIS product and servies.
6. Write a paragraph on agricultural resources information system.
7. Explain background and development of the AGRIS network.
8. What do you mean by AGRIS network and AGRIS resource centres.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. Online Computer Library Centre
2. World wide union catalogue.
3. 1967 4. FirstSearch 5. (a)
6. (d) 7. True 8. True
9. False 10. False 11. True
12. True.
12.8 Further Readings
FOURIE (D) and DOWELL (D). Libraries in the information age. 2002. Libraries
Unlimited, New York.
KATZ (William A). Introduction to reference work: reference service and reference
Online links,+inc.