P. 59
Reference Sources and Services
Notes Define requirements
The definition of requirements is out of the scope of ISPL (Information Services Procurement Library).
For more information on defining requirements the entry on requirements management processes is
Specify deliverables
Both customer and supplier organisations have to specify the information and services they want to
receive from the other party.
Situation Analysis, Identify of risks and selection of strategy
The customer organisation has to conduct a situation analysis which is to identify critical risks and
mitigate them using an appropriate delivery strategy.
Decision making
During the execution of the delivery plan the customer and supplier make decisions at each decision
point. This is called the Contract monitoring phase.
Acquisition process sequence
This chapter provides a high-level description of the ISPL acquisition process from a customer supplier
interaction point of view. It also describes customer and supplier processes during the acquisition.
Making request for proposal
To construct a request for proposal the customer first needs to describe the acquisition goal and other
requirements, and perform a situation and risk analysis. Using the risk analysis a delivery plan has to
be constructed.
Making proposals
The supplier company writes a proposal in which it clarifies how it can fulfill the acquisition goal.
The customer selects a supplier. The selection activity is an important step in the Tendering process
which is a part of the Procurement process.
Negotiate contract
Customer and supplier negotiate the contract. Usually this means that the delivery plan is refined to
a more detailed level. The information in the chapter Managing Risks and Planning Deliveries can be
used to update the delivery plan.
Make decisions
For each contract the delivery plan is executed. Customer and supplier make decisions at each decision
point. For an individual contract the final decision is whether Contract Completion is reached. The
deliverables used in this phase are of the Decision point deliverable type. The final decision of the
complete acquisition process is the Acquisition completion.
Managing acquisition processes
The ISPL Acquisition Process is the actual process of obtaining a system or service to achieve a goal
contributing to business objectives and/or needs. It is one of the most important parts of the ISPL