P. 94
Unit 9: Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services
3D terrain databases by way of full motion control systems, the engineer keeps a notebook detailing Notes
the development “the build” of the project or module. The document can be a wiki page, MS word
document or other environment. They should contain a requirements section, an interface section to
detail the communication interface of the software. Often a notes section is used to detail the proof of
concept, and then track errors and enhancements. The result is a detailed description of how the
software is designed, how to build and install the software on the target device, and any known
defects and work-a rounds. This builds document enables future developers and maintainers to come
up to speed on the software in a timely manner, and also provides a roadmap to modifying code or
searching for bugs.
9.4 Bibliographic Database
A bibliographic database is a database of bibliographic records, an organized digital collection of
references to published literature, including journal and newspaper articles, conference proceedings,
reports, government and legal publications, patents, books, etc. In contrast to library catalogue entries,
a large proportion of the bibliographic records in bibliographic databases describe analytics (articles,
conference papers, etc.) rather than complete monographs, and they generally contain very rich subject
descriptions in the form of keywords, subject classification terms, or abstracts.
A bibliographic database may be general in scope or cover a specific academic
discipline. A significant number of bibliographic databases are still proprietary,
available by licensing agreement from vendors, or directly from the abstracting and
indexing services that create them.
Many bibliographic databases evolve into digital libraries, providing the full text of the indexed
contents. Others converge with non-bibliographic scholarly databases to create more complete
disciplinary search engine systems, such as Chemical Abstracts or Entrez.
Prior to the mid-20th century, individuals searching for published literature had to rely on printed
bibliographic indexes. “During the early 1960s computers were used to digitize text for the first time;
the purpose was to reduce the cost and time required to publish two American abstracting journals,
the Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine and the Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). By the late 1960s such bodies of
digitized alphanumeric information, known as bibliographic and numeric databases, constituted a
new type of information resource”.
Online interactive retrieval became commercially viable in the early 1970s over
private telecommunications networks.
The first services offered a few databases of indexes and abstracts of scholarly literature. These
databases contained bibliographic descriptions of journal articles that were searchable by keywords
in author and title, and sometimes by journal name or subject heading. The user interfaces were
crude, the access was expensive, and searching was done by librarians on behalf of ‘end users’.