P. 90
Unit 8: Current Awareness Services
• Project Muse is a full text database covering over 100 titles including: literature and criticism; Notes
history; the visual and performing arts; cultural studies; education; political science; and gen-
der studies.
• Science Direct is a full text database that provides access to almost 100 full text journal titles in
all areas of research.
• While library literature on RSS feeds has been plentiful in recent years, few articles discuss
services that fully leverage the “push technology” power of RSS. Information is the life-blood
of research work. Research today depends on retrospective as well as current information.
An important source of current information is journals or periodicals.
8.5 Keywords
Indistinguishable : Impossible to see or hear as different or separate
Dissent : When someone does not agree with something
Substantive : Important or serious
8.6 Review Questions
1. Define current awareness services.
2. Explain types and methods of current awareness services.
3. Describe need and characteristics of current awareness services.
4. Explain the types of current awareness services.
5. Define project muse and science direct.
Answers: Self Assessment
1. syndication 2. outline processor markup language
3. current awareness service 4. (b) 5. (c)
6. False 7. True
8.7 Further Readings
FOURIE (D) and DOWELL (D). Libraries in the information age. 2002. Libraries
Unlimited, New York.
KATZ (William A). Introduction to reference work: reference service and reference
Online links