P. 22
e\L-lovely-eng\comm2-1.pmd IInd 16-9-11 IIIrd 27-12-11 IVth 4-1-12
Unit 2: Generation of Computers
2.1.7 Fifth Generation Computers
Although fourth generation computers offer too many advantages to users, still they have one main
disadvantage. The major drawback of these computers is that they have no intelligence on their
own. Scientists are now trying to remove this drawback by making computers, which would have
artificial intelligence. The fifth generation computers (Tomorrow’s computers) are still under research
and development stage. These computers would have artificial intelligence. They will use Ultra
Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) chips in place of VLSI chips. One USLI chip contains millions of
components on a single IC. The most important feature of fifth generation computers is that they
will use an intelligent software. This software will enable the user to tell computer ‘What to do’ and
not ‘How to do’ by using intelligent programming and knowledge-based problem solving techniques.
So, the programmers or users would not require to give each and every instruction to the computer
for solving a problem. These computers will also have user interface in form of speech in natural
Yet to develop, but Robots have some features of fifth generation computers.
The comparative features of various generation of computers are shown in Table 2.6.
Table 2.6: Comparison of Generation of Computers
Criteria Electronic Speed Size Availability
First Gen. Vacuum Tubes/ Slowest Largest Out-dated
Computers Valves
Second Gen. Transistors Slower Large Out-dated
Third Gen. ICs (Integrated Medium Medium Out-dated
Computers Circuits)
Fourth Gen. VLSIs Faster Smallest Current
Computers (Very Large
Scale Integration)
Fifth Gen. ULSI (Ultra Large Fastest Medium Under
Computers Scale Integration) R & D
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. First computing device developed in ...... .
2. Who is known the father of computers ......?
3. The arithmetic machine, invented by ...... .
4. When the first commercial computer UNIVAC was invented ...... .