P. 28

            e\L-lovely-eng\comm3-1.pmd  IInd 16-9-11  IIIrd  27-12-11 IVth 4-1-12

                                                                                         Unit 3: Features of Computer


                    Libraries often contain a jump table of all the methods within it, known as entry points.
                    Calls into the library use this table, looking up the location of the code in memory, then
                    calling it. This introduces overhead in calling into the library, but the delay is so small
                    as to be negligible.

            The earliest programming concepts analogous to libraries were intended to separate data definitions
            from the program implementation. JOVIAL brought the “COMPOOL” (Communication Pool)
            concept to popular attention in 1959, although it adopted the idea from the large-system SAGE
            software. Following the computer science principles of separation of concerns and information
            hiding, “Comm Pool’s purpose was to permit the sharing of System Data among many programs
            by providing a centralized data description.”

                     What do you mean by the Real Dirt about the conference? Explain.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
             1.   In computer science, a library is a collection of ...... used to develop software.
             2.   RAM stands for ...... .
             3.   ROM stands for ...... .
             4.   Tennant sees libraries playing a key role in a world without effective ...... rules.

            3.4 Summary

              •  The CPU, or central processing unit, can be designed or instructed to perform any number of
                 different tasks.
              •  Chudnov suggests that we use this technology to share electronic documents through a
                 Napster-like server. Libraries already share documents by scanning them and sending them
                 electronically with the Ariel system.
              •  Docster would allow libraries to go one step further and share all the knowledge of the world.
              •  In computer science, a library is a collection of resources used to develop software. These may
                 include pre-written code and subroutines, classes, values or type specifications.

            3.5 Keywords

            Input: This is a way to direct or inform the computer.
            Memory: It can hold necessary reference information even while the computer is off.
            E-books: The e-book’s hyperlink ability wight help people learn a language by linking a traslation
            to a foreign language work.

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