P. 52

            e\L-lovely-eng\comm5-1.pmd  IInd 16-9-11  IIIrd  27-12-11 IVth 4-1-12

                                                                                          Unit 5: Computer Hardware

            (i) Flat Bed Plotters. These plotters print the graphical images by moving the pen on stationary flat
            surface material. They produce very accurate drawings.                                   Notes
            (ii) Drum Plotters. These plotters print the graphical images by moving both the pen and the drum
            having paper. They do not produce as accurate drawings as printed by flat bed plotters.
            (iii) Inkjet Plotters. These plotters use inkjets in place of pens. They are faster than flat bed plotters
            and can print multi-colored large drawings.

                                      Figure 5.23 Various Types of Plotters




                                 Drum Plotter                    Flatbed Plotter

            Computer Output Microfilm (COM)

            Computer Output Microfilm (COM) is a technique to produce output on a microfilm media
            (microfilm reel or microfiche card) as shown in Figure 5.24. A microfilm is a continuous film strip
            that can store several thousands miniaturized document pages. A microfiche card is a 4 by 6 inch
            film sheet, which can store several hundred pages.
            The process of producing microfilm or microfiche takes place on a special COM unit. The information
            recorded on the microfilm is read with the help of a microfilm viewing system. It is generally easier
            to read a microfiche than microfilm. Computer Output Microfilm is particularly useful for
            organisations, which need to store and manipulate large amount of data. It helps them in tremendous
            savings in paper and document handling costs.

                                    Figure 5.24: Computer Output Microfilm

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