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                                                                                          Unit 5: Computer Hardware

            tiny dots, called pixels, that are arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of the image (screen
            resolution) depends upon the number of the pixels.                                       Notes
            Types of Monitors. There are different kinds of monitors depending upon the number of pixels.
            Depending upon the resolution, monitors can be classified as follows:
            1. CGA (Color Graphics Adapter)
            2. MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter)
            3. HGA (Hercules Graphics Adapter)
            4. EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)
            5. VGA (Video Graphics Adapter)
            6. SVGA (Super VGA)
            The differences between these monitors are outlined in Table 5.1. Depending upon colour of display,
            monitors can be classified as Monochrome (with single color black/white display) and Color (with
            all colours display) Monitors. The pictures of two different models of color monitors are shown in
            Figure 5.17.

                             Table 5.1: Comparison Among Different Types of Monitors
              Type of Monitor     Display Type      Text Resolution   Graphics Resolution
                  CGA          Text & Graphics      Fair quality           320 × 200
                  MDA          Text only            Good quality                  —
                  HGA          Text & Mono Graphics  Fair quality          320 × 200
                  EGA          Text & Enhanced      Good quality           640 × 350
                  VGA          Text & Video Graphics  Much better than     640 × 480
                                                    all the above
                  SVGA         Text & Video Graphics  Best quality         1600 × 1280

                                    Figure 5.17 Two Models of Color Monitors

                             15" Multimedia Color Monitor  20" Color Monitor

            Printer is the basic output device, which is used to print information on papers. Printers are essential
            for getting output of any computer-based application. There are many types of printers, which are
            classified on various criteria as illustrated in Figure 5.18. Printers are broadly categorised into two
            types—Impact and Non-impact printers. Let us discuss these in detail.

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