P. 69
Foundation of Library and Information Science
Notes We, therefore, notice that the efforts made for library cooperation in the 20th century began
with the compilation of union catalogues, as no cooperation could be effective without the
knowledge of the resources of other libraries. The scope of cooperations soon took big leap. It
became diversified and incorporated the various activities of the libraries such as abstracting
and indexing, acquisition, bibliographic access, cataloguing, circulations development,
continuing education for staff and users, literature searching, management and accounting,
microfilming, photo coping, processing, referral services, storage and union lists.
4.1.3 Advantages of Library Cooperation
Advantages of library cooperation are as follows:
A comprehensive collection is possible;
Avoidance of duplication of non-core collection development among the participating
Reduction in the cost of information services;
Quality of services is enhanced;
Facilitation of the use of common library system;
Promotion of best practices;
Implementation of staff skills development programmers;
Improving the mobility of data; and
Flow of information among special information centres.
4.1.4 Barriers in Library Cooperation
Following are the barriers in library cooperation:
Inadequate funding
Limited personnel
Outdated technology
Lack of standards
Insufficient knowledge vs Fear of loss
Copyright issues
Negative attitudes
No tradition of cooperation or Reluctance to participate
Task Critically examine the various local library networks in India.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. Cooperation and sharing have been transformed by ………………………. and the move
from a print to a digital environment.