P. 84
Unit 5: Resource Sharing and Networking
1. DELNET: The limitation of financial resources and space for housing library collections in Notes
the libraries in Delhi led to the promotion of sharing of resources by automation and
networking and establishment of the DELNET in 1988. NISSAT took the initiative in
setting up DELNET. It has emerged as an important resource centre for the libraries in
In Delhi, the libraries have been growing very fast in number and site during the last four
decades. They cater to specialized and general clientele and are of various types which
include institutional libraries, research libraries, government libraries, public libraries,
departmental libraries and libraries of the universities, colleges and schools. During the
recent years, cumulative information has been increasing at a very fast pace and with it the
increase in demands of the users. It has been noticed that in the era of information explosion
the libraries in India are generally ill equipped to handle and retrieve information
effectively. As already mentioned, the financial resources and the space for housing library
collections are limited in almost all of the libraries. The option left with the forward
looking librarians has been to promote the sharing of resources by automation and
Did u know? Initially, 40 libraries were directly linked to the DELNET host system through
e-mail to promote library mailing, interlibrary requests, transfer of files, exchange of
messages, interlibrary services, etc. Side by side with the automation of participating
libraries, the functions and services have also started. Presently about 90 libraries are
members of DELNET. Almost all participating libraries are now computerized by means
of acquisition and fund accounting, cataloguing, circulation, serials control and local users’
services. Users are able to locate books and serials through Online Public Access Catalogue
A union catalogue of current periodicals available in Delhi libraries, and a union list of
current serials available in Indian libraries are available on online for DELNET participant
libraries. A central database of DELNET has been created and made operational. This
central database includes the library holdings of DELNET member libraries used as union
catalogues of books/monographs.
DELNET provides access to the central union catalogue for books and monographs, efficient
electronic mailing facilities to access databases of member libraries. It also proposes to
develop a network for accessing CD–ROM databases available at member libraries in the
near future. DELNET also provides CAS and SDI services, consultancy in library
computerization, training and H.R.D. and assistance to libraries on standardization, local
automation, retrospective conversion, etc. DELNET is likely to emerge as a cooperative
network incorporating all disciplines of science, technology, social sciences and humanities.
2. CALIBNET: The Calcutta Library Network (CALIBNET) was inaugurated on 21st December
1993. NISSAT, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India,
took the initiative in setting up CALIBNET, which has adopted a two way system for
the networking route with a library automation and networking through its own
application software “Maitrayee” and
the e-mail route connecting member libraries with online access to various databases
within network and Internet access.