P. 86
Unit 5: Resource Sharing and Networking
inter-library activities, rather than on computerizing individual libraries, which will no Notes
doubt computerize their own operations and are likely to share their experiences with
each other. BONET offers training related to library computerization and networking,
and speed up computerization of Bombay libraries. BONET membership provides for
access to its centralised catalogues and for E-mail among BONET members. However,
access to library related services outside Bombay in India and abroad would require use of
The services offered through BONET include the following:
Consultation on standards
Organized training for selected staff of participating libraries
Online catalogue of periodicals for the region
Online catalogue of books for the region
Online catalogue of preprints/reprints
Inter-library lending of books and periodicals
Inter-library request for photocopying
Computer network support for book ordering
Information retrieval services
Online document delivery of items (such as technical reports) made available by
participating libraries in machine readable form
Online access to foreign databases, subject to the user’s willingness to pay the costs
E-mail interface for inter-library queries
E-mail facilities to order reprints from abroad, when necessary
Dissemination of information, on new books etc., using E-mail, Bulletin boards, and
SDI techniques
Courier service for inter-library exchange of materials
Under BONET the following databases were created:
25,000 items in a bibliographic database on computers and software technology
Union catalogue of journals and other periodicals in libraries in the region
Tables of contents of 250 Indian periodicals created by the national centre for
A number of CDROM databases have been mounted on a Novell Server for use to
6. PUNENET: Presently, 30 libraries and 15 professionals from Pune city are accessing the
PUNENET through modem. The users not only access PUNENET data, but also use the
e-mail and internet facilities. Following databases are available on PUNENET for its
Catalogues of holding of all member libraries
Union catalogue of current periodicals in Pune libraries and information centres