P. 117

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          The cutter numbers (A3, A31, Z4, C3, and A2 in the above example) are sorted first by the letter
                                   and then by the number as a decimal. For QD 1 A5 think of it as being QD 1 A 0.5, for QD 1 A332
                                   read QD 1 A 0.332. Therefore,
                                                     QD  1 QD  1 QD  1 QD 1 QD  1 QD 1 QD   1
                                                     A   3 A  31 A 311 A  4 A  41 A 415 A  42

                                   Dates, volume and issue numbers, copy numbers, and other annotations are like an additional
                                   cutter number but are shelved by basic alphabetization (numbers alone come before letters):

                                             Q  10 Q  10 Q  10 Q  10 Q  10 QD 1 QD 1 QD 1 QD        1
                                             C   3 C   3 C   3 C   3 C  3 A   5 A   5 A   5 A       5
                                                    1933  1990  1996  1996  Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 2   Vol. 2
                                                              copy 1 copy 2           Plates Supplement

                                   6.1.5 Basic Elements and Syntax of Call Numbers

                                   Most call numbers are constructed as follows. The call number is displayed vertically as it would
                                   appear on the spine label of a book.

                                                         Table 6.1: Construction of Call Numbers

                                          Call number   Part                   Syntax Rule
                                         BS           1         1 to 3 letters

                                         4545         2         A number between 1 and 9999.99
                                         G63          3         A period followed by a letter and 0 to 4 digits

                                         L56          4         Optionally: a letter and 0 to 4 digits. NO period
                                         2002         5         Optionally: a date

                                         V. 2         6         Optionally: volume numbers

                                   Call number line breaks are significant. However, you might see parts one and two printed
                                   together on a single line since they both reflect a subject code. Examples of longer, more complex
                                   call numbers are available here.
                                   The main sub-units of a call number are as follows:
                                   Topic: Parts 1 and 2. The initial letters designate a broad topic. The numbers progressively
                                   narrow the topic. This is explained in more detail below.
                                   Cutter: Parts 3 and 4. The topical portion of the call number is followed by a cutter number
                                   (named after Charles Cutter). The cutter number usually encodes the author (technically, the
                                   main entry). So within a given topic books are usually sorted by author. Cutter numbers can
                                   also be used to further subdivide a topic, and one call number can have two cutters (usually
                                   topical use followed by main entry use). This is not common.
                                   Other parts: The call number may conclude with a publication year or volume number or copy

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