P. 118

Unit 6: Concept of Call Number

          Self Assessment                                                                       Notes

          State whether the following statements are true or false:
          1.   A call number is a unique code given to each item in the library.
          2.   Call numbers and library classification are not intertwined.

          3.   Call numbers can begin with one, two, or three letters.
          6.2 Method for Writing Call Number

          Following are the methods of writing Call Number:
          1.   Get call numbers: Find the book you want in the Catalogue (Books & More) and get its call
               number (see eTutorials for search tips). Also check its location: McPherson, Reference,
               Music and Media, Priestly Law, etc. You can see this information in the main result list
               (shown below) or the catalogue record, which you see when you click the item’s title.

          2.   Call number locations: Most books have their Library location:
               A-GN699 3M
               GN700-PR 3
               ML-MT 2
               PS-V 2
               M (Scores) Main
               Maps Main
               Reference Main
               Z Lower
               For other locations and to see more precise call number breakdowns, see the floor maps.
               Maps are also posted around the library, or you can ask at the Library Help Desk.

          3.   Find the book on the shelf: Go to the indicated location then look for the call number.
               It will be one line in the catalogue but broken into at least two parts on the book, found on
               the book’s spine. Hunt it down one part at a time.
                                      Figure 6.1: Call Numbers


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