P. 164

Unit 8: Library Cataloguing

               Use the catalogue to quickly locate miscellaneous information such as authors’ names and  Notes
               dates. Or use call numbers from sources that you found in your search to determine a good
               place to start browsing the shelves.
          Accessing records for library resources is easier online, but you’re still tied to the machine.
          Locating terminals throughout the library is one solution. A more recent concept is roving
          access, using laptops or PDAs and wireless networks. Another catalogue challenge is connecting
          the library collection to Web resources. One method to bring all resources together is to use
          Dewey (or whatever classification system your library uses) to organize links to recommended
          Web resources, at the reference workstation and on the Web. Dewey can be used to organize
          Web links for users, reinforcing the connection between catalogue subject headings and categories
          of related Web resources. Increasingly, your catalogue may connect to the web and be part of an
          integrated library system.

              Task  Locate a handbook of chemistry and/or physics in the catalogue.

          Self Assessment

          State whether the following statements are true or false:
          9.   The catalogue can be your most effective reference tool.
          10.  Sometimes it takes very creative use of the catalogue to find a book which will help on
               more obscure topics.

          8.6 Library Cataloguing versus Bibliographical Cataloguing

          We have so far discussed the definition, purpose and functions of a library catalogue. We have
          learnt that a library catalogue serves as a finding tool and it also enables users to find out
          important information about all the works of a given author or on a given subject, or edition,
          and so on.
          There are other records and tools in a library, which also serve as finding lists of reading and
          reference materials. But they differ in many ways when compared to a library catalogue. Let us
          discuss such records and tools in three groups as given below.
               Library records, like accession register and shelf list, etc.

               Bibliographies such as national bibliographies and subject bibliographies, etc.
          All these records and tools carry bibliographical data of documents such as author, title, edition;
          year of publication just as a library catalogue but they perform different functions.

          8.6.1 Library Cataloguing Records

          A number of records are created in a library for its collections to serve different purposes. Some
          of these records are accession register, shelf list, periodical holdings register, etc.
          An accession register of a library is a date wise record of reading and reference materials
          acquired by a library either by purchase, exchange or through gift. Details of information
          pertaining to the date of acquisition, the serial number of the item, i.e., the accession number,
          author, title, edition, publisher, date of publication, price, mode of acquisition, supplier, etc. are
          recorded in the accession register. It serves as an authentic inventory of items acquired by the

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