P. 167

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          8.8 Levels of Cataloguing

                                   Following are the levels in Cataloguing:

                                   8.8.1 Full Level Cataloguing

                                   Full level cataloguing consists of an Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition, 1998
                                   (AACR2) level 2 bibliographic record, with all needed access points, including full subject
                                   analysis. Full level differs from BSR level chiefly in the number of access points and notes
                                   provided. For full level cataloguing if a name used as an access point does not appear in the body
                                   of the entry, a note must be added to justify the entry.
                                   Access points on a full level record must be supported by a national level authority record, so
                                   headings are contributed to NACO (Name Authority Cooperative Program) as needed.


                                   Full level cataloguing is provided for original cataloguing only for items specifically requested
                                   at that level by the Reference Section or the History of Medicine Division.

                                   Full level copy records are kept at full level.


                                   The Cataloguing Section provides full level cataloguing records for library productions and
                                   other items by special request.
                                   Full level copy records are kept at full level.

                                   8.8.2 Core Level Cataloguing

                                   Cataloguing consists of a bibliographic record containing at least the minimum set of data
                                   elements prescribed by the Program for Cooperative Cataloguing Standard Record, augmented
                                   with the following elements:
                                       Fully coded Leader and 008.
                                       Byte 39 Cataloguing source is coded blank.
                                       Bibliographic history notes and bibliography/index notes are provided, although library
                                       will no longer add pagination information to a 504 note.
                                       A full complement of subject headings is provided.
                                       Other elements deemed important for identification and access may be added at the
                                       cataloguer’s discretion, but notes to justify access points are not required.
                                   Essential access points on a library record are determined by cataloguer judgment and must be
                                   supported by a national level authority record.
                                   8.8.3 Limited Level Cataloguing

                                   Limited cataloguing consists of an Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, revised 2nd edition,
                                   1998 (AACR2) level 1 bibliographic record with, generally, two bibliographic access points.
                                   A third access point is added for a parallel title when one is present in the item.

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