P. 172

Unit 8: Library Cataloguing

          8.9 Summary                                                                           Notes

               Library catalogue is a list of books and other reading materials available in a particular

               A library catalogue lets a reader know if the library has a document for which the author
               or the subject or the exact title is known.

               Libraries also create a number of other records of documents acquired by them.
               Library catalogues are also different from the publishers’ catalogues, booksellers’ lists,
               bibliographies, etc.

               A modern library catalogue displays the record of a library’s resources with a view to
               make them easily accessible for study and reference; serves as a dependable tool of
               communication of ideas and subjects dealt with in the books to the readers who use the

               The custodial responsibility assumed by the libraries of the early stages obligated on
               them the functions of acquisition and conservation entailing also the use of some system
               of bibliographic control so that the items on the store could be located and retrieved.

               The primary purpose of a library catalogue is to serve as a guide to the collection of
               The library catalogue might be compared to the index for a book.

               The catalogue can be your most effective reference tool.
               There are other records and tools in a library, which also serve as finding lists of reading
               and reference materials.

               An accession register of a library is a date wise record of reading and reference materials
               acquired by a library either by purchase, exchange or through gift.
               A library catalogue records, describes and indexes the bibliographical resources of a
               particular library.

          8.10 Keywords

          Accession Register: Accession register is a document which maintains the holding of the library.
          Bibliography: A list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, usually printed as an appendix.
          Catalogue: A catalogue describes data set attributes and indicates the volumes on which a data
          set is located.
          Cathedrals: A cathedral is a Christian church which contains the seat of a bishop, thus serving as
          the central church of a diocese, conference, or episcopate.
          Library: A library is a collection of information resources and services, organized for use, and
          maintained by a public body, institution, or private individual.
          Publisher: A person or company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works
          for sale.

          Records: Document that memorializes and provides objective evidence of activities performed,
          events occurred, results achieved, or statements made.
          Reference: Reference is a relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a
          means by which to connect to or link to, another object.

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