P. 177

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          3.  It should be easy to consult and handle so that it can help the user to find entries with ease;
                                   4.  It should be amenable to fast speed of search;
                                   5.  Should be easily possible to keep it up to date;
                                   6.  It should be compact in size, so that it does not occupy much space;

                                   7.  It should be possible to bring together entries having the same heading or leading section;
                                   8.  It should be possible to consult it inside or outside a library. This consideration is related
                                       to portability;

                                   9.  It should be possible to produce it through some process of reproduction, which will
                                       enable one to duplicate the catalogue.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  A Library Catalogue is a record of the …………………….. of a library.

                                   2.  Machine-readable catalogues with their versatility and efficiency are not replacing the
                                       ………………… catalogue.
                                   3.  The physical form of a catalogue should be ………………… produce and maintain.

                                   4.  The physical form of a catalogue should be possible to bring together ……………..having
                                       the same heading or leading section.

                                   9.2 Types of Physical Forms

                                   Following are the categories of physical forms of a library catalogue:
                                       Online catalogue,
                                       Microform catalogue,
                                       Card catalogues, and

                                       Book catalogues.
                                   All these have some benefits and limitations. Therefore, while taking a decision regarding
                                   whether a library uses any kind of a catalogue or not. For that some conditions should be made.

                                          Example: The library catalogue should be up to date and flexible so that it may easy to
                                   produce in multiple copies, can be used easily along with it may cope up with the changing
                                   library collection.
                                   As with the help of catalogue, you can easily find out the record in the library, entries should be
                                   removed and added as a certain material is discarded, removed or added from the library.
                                   Self Assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   5.  All the categories of physical forms of a library catalogue have some benefits and
                                   6.  With the help of catalogue, you cannot easily find out the record in the library.

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