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Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          ways, and it provides very rapid search. Other advantages are, such as: it can be used from far
                                   away location, so that the users can access a local, national and international cataloguing database;
                                   filing of indexes is no longer a consideration; database in online catalogue can be updated
                                   online or at frequent intervals, as needed; provided instructional help; provided links to card
                                   form catalogues, reference help and circulation; online database, with a certain instruction in the
                                   system, can be produced in any other physical form of catalogues; and global changing can be

                                   However, some of the disadvantages are, for example: it is much more sensitive in spelling, any
                                   error means unexpected or different information is printed on the computer screen; its users
                                   may be frustrated by getting a quite few citations or sometimes too many citations; it requires
                                   a new way of getting information, or training for its users; and it will be unavailable if there is
                                   no power or if the computer breaks downs.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   7.  The ………………… or book catalogue is the oldest type of catalogue which was
                                       commonly used in American libraries.
                                   8.  ……………………catalogues have become much more popular with the development of
                                       computer-output microform (COM).
                                   9.4 Types of Physical Forms of Library Catalogue

                                   The specific features, the relative advantages, and disadvantages of each form are described

                                   9.4.1 Bound Register/Ledger Form

                                   In this form, the entries of documents in a library are written by hand in a bound register or
                                   ledger; pages are set apart for different alphabets. Entry arrangement is alphabetical in nature.
                                   Minimum information about the document, such as the author, the title, the edition, the accession
                                   number and the class number is given for each book. There may be a separate register for
                                   authors or titles or subjects. This form of the catalogue was in use over a long period of time.
                                   According to S. Ranganathan this was replaced by the paste-down form to incorporate new
                                   entries and maintain correct sequence. Typed/cyclostyled form is the revised version of the
                                   bound register form that came into existence due to the typewriter and cyclostyling machine.

                                     Did u know?  It is possible to generate multiple copies from typewriter or cyclostyling

                                   Advantages of Bound Register

                                   (a)  It is cheaper, simple, and easy to handle or consult.

                                   (b)  Many entries can be found on one page. Hence, few pages are required for this catalogue.
                                       Some space or pages are left at the end of an alphabet to accommodate new entries.
                                   (c)  It is suitable for small public school and college libraries.

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