P. 184

Unit 9: Physical Forms and Types of Library Catalogues

               Microform: Entries are transferred to microform or microfiche, and are used with  Notes
               appropriate microform readers.
          These forms they are no more than the conventional catalogue forms, the only difference being
          their mode of production. In an online catalogue, the entries are held in computer files and can
          be projected on the screen or printouts can be obtained. The computer configuration needed for
          machine-readable catalogue is:
               A computer with keyboard and display units

               Secondary storage facility
               Sufficient user terminals wherever necessary
          The machine-readable catalogue performs all the functions of a library catalogue with greater
          efficiency and speed than any other form. As a result of rapid development in computer and
          communication technologies, a number of libraries in the world are switching over to computer
          readable catalogues and in the process, several online catalogue networks have been developed
          and are available for public access in libraries. Since last decade the computer readable catalogues
          has become a common feature of most of the library services in India.

          Advantages of Machine-readable Catalogue

          (a)  It can be kept updated with speed and efficiency

          (b)  It can search for any bibliographical element, such as author, subject, publisher, series
          (c)  It is user friendly
          (d)  It can easily be multiplied
          Computers can store and sort catalogue entries automatically and the output can be utilized in
          a number of ways. Alternatively, the output on magnetic tape may be used as the catalogue to
          access entries directly and one can search and know from it the availability of any document in
          a library.

          Disadvantages of Machine-readable Catalogue

          Computerised catalogue needs trained manpower to design and operate machine-readable
          catalogues. Users should be tuned to the computerised systems to exploit fully the capability of
          a machine-readable catalogue.

          Self Assessment

          State whether the following statements are true or false:
          9.   Typed/cyclostyled form is the revised version of the bound register form that came into
               existence due to the typewriter and cyclostyling machine.
          10.  A Visible index catalogue is one in which slips of paper are put into a loose-leaf binder and
               bound by some mechanical device into a volume.

          9.5 Evolution of Library Catalogues (Internal Form)

          The library catalogue (internal form) has undergone with several modifications keeping pace
          with the variations in the conception of service to users. The description regarding the history of
          internal form of catalogue is related to the concepts which are given by Dr. Ranganathan.

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