P. 207

Knowledge Organization: Classification and Cataloguing Theory

                    Notes          Literary Works
                                   Two types of literary works:
                                   1.  Collection of several authors or anthologies.

                                            Heading for specific literary forms is literary anthologies.
                                            Heading for general anthologies is given broad headings, e.g. Literature –
                                            Collections; Poetry – Collections; or Drama – Collection.
                                            For national literatures and the forms of national literatures are given headings
                                            subdivision Collections e.g. American literature – Collections and Italian poetry –
                                            For minor literary genres such as Science fiction or Pastoral poetry are usually
                                            assigned to anthologies without any subdivision.
                                   2.  Works by a single author or individual literary works.
                                            It has no subject headings. Literary works are best known by author and title.
                                   In the Sears list the headings for minor literary forms and genres is about the topic.

                                   Themes in Literature

                                   The appropriate heading for the material about topics, locales, or themes in imaginative literature
                                   is simply “Topic in literature”. Headings of this type are for critical discussions only, not for
                                   literary works.

                                       Materials about depiction of historical persons in drama, fiction, or poetry are entered
                                       under the person’s name with the subdivision in literature such as Napoleon I, Emperor of
                                       the French, 1769-1821 – In literature.
                                       Materials about the depiction of a particular war in drama, fiction or poetry are entered
                                       under the heading for the war with subdivision Literature and the war, such as World
                                       War, 1939 – 1945 – Literature and the war.

                                   10.5.4 Wars and Events

                                   Wars fought between two or more nations are given a name followed by a date or dates, as
                                   appropriate, such as War of 1812; Israel-Arab War, 1967; World War 1939-1945; etc. Civil wars,
                                   insurrections and invasions are entered the history of the country involved (following the dates
                                   as with other historical periods.) such as United States – History 1861-1865; Civil war; Cuba –
                                   History – 1961, Invasion; etc. Events that have names are given a heading for the name followed
                                   by the place and then by the date, such as Tiananmen Square incident, Beijing (China), 1989, and
                                   World Trade Center Bombing, New York (N.Y.), 1993. Battles are entered under the name of the
                                   battle, but inverted form, with the place of the battle qualified as needed. Recurring events, such
                                   as, festivals, etc., are given the recurring name, followed by the date, with the place in parentheses,
                                   if the place changes.

                                     Did u know? Unnamed events such as individual riots or tornadoes are entered under the
                                     kind of event subdivided by the place of the event.

                                   10.5.5 Non-book Materials

                                   The assignment of subject headings for electronic media and for audio-visual and special
                                   instructional materials should follow the same principles that are applied to books. Non-book

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