P. 222
Unit 12: Periodical Section
Caselet Locating Printed Periodicals on the Shelves
urrent Periodicals: Periodicals noted as “Current issues in Periodicals Room” in
the Cornell Library Catalog are shelved by title in the Current Periodicals Room
Con the main level in Olin Library. This room is immediately to the right and down
the hall as you enter Olin Library. Only a small selection of current periodicals is in this
room: all other current periodical issues go directly to the Olin stacks where they are
shelved by call number.
Back Periodicals are shelved by call number in the Olin and Uris Library stacks. Some
back periodicals are shelved in specific subject rooms; watch for location notes in the
Cornell Library Catalog record for the title you want.
Pay attention to the + and ++ indicators by the call number. Titles with the + and ++
(Oversize) designations and titles with no plus marks are each shelved in separate sections
on each floor in Olin Library.
Back issues on microfilm, microfiche, and microprint are housed near the Olin Library
Media Center on the lower or B Level.
12.2 Periodicals Selection
Acquisition work includes three distinct phases of activities. Periodicals selection is the first
phase. The selection of periodicals for subscription, exchange or as gift is an important function
of the library. This process is more difficult than book selection. While in the latter case, selection
pertains to only one volume, selection of periodicals covers all the successive volumes to be
published. Due to this standing commitment, great ewe should be exercised in periodicals
selection. This involves two aspects, namely, planning and procedure.
12.2.1 Planning
Planning is a task or activity that is required on a continuous basis for the management of all
activities in an organization, including libraries and information systems. It is “….deciding in
advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it and who is to do it ….it is an intellectually
demanding process and requires the conscious determination of courses of action and the basing
of decisions on purpose, knowledge, and considered estimates”.
The selection of periodicals by the library depends on the following factors:
1. Scope of the library
2. Needs/demands of the users
3. Needs of the collection – including availability/accessibility in organization, close to the
4. Personnel, their knowledge and skill
5. Financial resources available
These factors are similar to those of book selection, namely, demand, supply and finance. You
can examine below these aspects of planning under four heads, namely: