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                    Notes              a firm. Frequently illustrated and containing prices, it also often contains application
                                       oriented description rather than theoretical description. These are published by Research
                                       and Development Organizations, Trade Associations etc. The original objectives of all
                                       trade journals are product advertisement. The complete description, principles and working
                                       of a newly developed and highly sophisticated instrument may for quite time be available
                                       only in the manufacturer trade journals. E.g.: International Product Finder. Bombay: Business
                                   10.  Conference Proceedings: Many conference proceedings present new findings or results of
                                       work for the first time or at least months before they are published in scientific journals.
                                       Sometimes, conference proceedings also include questions from participants and answers
                                       and clarifications from the authors of the papers. The conference proceedings generally
                                       contain the statement of objectives, opening address or presidential address, list of
                                       participants or conference’s who’s who, resolutions or recommendations, etc.
                                   11.  Thesis and Dissertation: Thesis and dissertation are the results of purely academic pursuit.
                                       It reports some original work in a specific field. Among all the primary sources of
                                       information thesis and dissertation are probably least used mainly because their existence
                                       is not known in many cases and also due to the limited number of copies of the document.
                                   12.  Treatise: A treatise provides an exhaustive treatment of a broad subject. It is encyclopaedic
                                       in coverage of the subject but different in its treatment. It presents in a systematic and
                                       consolidated manner the result of work and research in the field with full reference to the
                                       primary sources.
                                   13.  Monograph: The scope of a monograph is narrower than that of a treatise. Monograph is
                                       on a single topic whereas a treatise is on a broad subject. Research monographs are separately
                                       published reports on an original research that is too long, too specialized or otherwise
                                       unsuitable for publication in one of the standard journals. Each monograph is self-contained
                                       which frequently summarizes the particular existing theory or practice along with the
                                       author’s original work.

                                   14.  Review: A review is actually a narrative account or critical synthesis of the progress of a
                                       particular field of study prepared by an expert in the field. It shifts, evaluates and puts each
                                       significant contribution into its proper perspective. It indicates interrelationship of ideas,
                                       significance and possible areas of application and so on, so that one can easily get an
                                       expert view of the subject without having to go through the mass of literature.
                                   15.  Text Book: A text book is made of continuous exposition, sentences mount into paragraph,
                                       paragraphs into chapter, chapters get woven into a single swelling exposition in the
                                       continuous pursuit of a single idea, simple or complex, and text books are read consecutively
                                       for inspiration, enjoyment or information. There is a link at each stage. There is an element
                                       of continuity. According to Grogan, “a text book is a teaching instrument; its primary aim
                                       is not to import information about its subject but to develop understanding of it.
                                       It concentrates on demonstrating principles rather than recounting detail”.
                                   16.  State of the Art Report: These are types of reviews which do not have all embracing scope
                                       and historical orientation. These present information assembled from various sources
                                       and subjects to the operation of analysis, consolidation, extraction and evaluation in a
                                       formal presentation representing the most advanced degree of technical achievement in
                                       its field at the present time. Some owe their existence to a specific query while others are
                                       issued on a regular basis, in many cases once in a year. State of the Art report emphasizes
                                       on the recent and up-to-date ideas.

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